What did I sign up for?
The official countdown has begun! 44 days until I start my journey at Draper University in Silicon Valley but what exactly did I sign up for?
The best answer to this question and a situation most entrepreneurs find themselves in..." I am not really to sure what I am getting myself into but I am ready to give it a go".
On August 13th, I will leave the desert of Arizona and make my way up the coast to San Mateo, California. On August 20th I will be moving into the Draper dorms, right in the heart of Silicon Valley and began this crazy journey. After that, the program will be a complete surprise. Unlike my other three years of college, The Entrepreneurship Incubator Program at Draper University will be a complete shake up with no days looking the same!
Even though it’s hard to predict exactly what the program will be like, I know what I want to gain from this experience. My three biggest goals for the 119 days:
Have a company that is producing a stream of revenue by December 16, 2017
Find at least two mentors who are venture capitalist
Create a plan for after graduation with the experiences and mentorship I have gain from Draper.
As the days get closer, my excitement has only been growing and the heat of the desert has me even more excited to move to California!