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Day 104: Bridge The Gap

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment"

Happy December 1st! It's crazy how fast this year has gone by but I am so thankful for all this year has brought me! It's excited to reflect on this year and remember all they amazing experiences I have had. This last month of 2017 will be filled with lots of fun adventures and good challenges.

As an entrepreneur you get to decide your schedule and what you will accomplish every day. The difference between an entrepreneur and a wantrepreneur is self-discipline. Are you able to power through the day and get things accomplished with your own motivation?

I have found that as a entrepreneur its extremely important to keep track of what needs to accomplished and to keep your priorities straight. I found that creating weekly goals every Monday and then creating a daily to-do-list/ plan of attack helps me to keep on track of what I need to complete. This also helps me to practice good self-discipline and keep Trader Jack moving forward.

Today is all about finishing up the weekly to- do-list and getting stuff done. It is my job to keep Trader Jack from just be a goal I had once a upon a time to something one day I can say I accomplished. I have also found that it is very important to keep big picture goals as the idea becomes more of a company I have to create bigger visions for the future of the company.



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