Day Seventeen: Difficult Doesn’t Mean Impossible
Today's sponsor is Garvey Communication Associates Inc. (GCAi). GCAi is an innovative digital marketing agency and Google Partner. To learn more about their service check out there website at
"But difficult doesn’t mean impossible, and out of the bajillions of things in this universe that you can’t control, what you can control is how hard you try, and if or when to pack it in.”- Sophia Amoruso
Today, we had our first official guest speaker: Micheal Hool from Hool Coury Law. He came to speak to us about how to structure our companies for the future. What kind of setups are best for partners, how do we protect our selfs as founders, how do we bring in investors?
We spent a couple of hours understanding legal structures and founding documents needed to start our companies. Its not the most exciting topics creating operating agreements or hearing how companies tore each other apart over legal issues.
However it's extremely important to get the correct legal set-up for a start-up. For most entrepreneurs their startups are like children and the correct legal advice can make or break a company. Which can across as little overwhelming , if you don't make the right decisions now it can really hurt you in the long run. How do I in week three of the program make the correct decisions for my company so it survive past January?
Along with plenty of valuable legal advice, Mr. Hool advised us to make lots and lots of mistakes while we are at Draper University. We are becoming what he called "battle ready" and learn more about who we are as entrepreneurs. The more risks we take, the more mistakes we will make leading to learning which will be great assets for our careers.
Like Sophia Amoruso said its going to be hard but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Trying a new thing is going to come with lots of opportunities to learn through both success and failures. Its important to take each day as an opportunity to grow as an entrepreneur.