Day Nineteen: What Do You Believe About Yourself?
Day Nineteen: Today's blog is sponsored by Adrian McIntyre. Dr. Adrian McIntyre delivers speeches and workshops on high-performance communication and culture. He also trains entrepreneurs, executives and corporate teams to harness the power of personal storytelling to boost their visibility, increase their leadership effectiveness, and accelerate the growth of their business. Find out more at
"We are what we believe we are." - C. S. Lewis
As an entrepreneur everyday is an unknown. There is no predictable path that you will walk. At lunch today a small group of us had a conversion that really suck with me, confidence.
Its extremely hard to any program like Draper University without being able to have confidence in yourself. But how do you build confidence?
For me, its knowing that I am not exactly were I want to be but getting closer. As an entrepreneur or even someone trying to achieve a goal, there are going to be many different hurtles, and its going to take patience to find away to jump over them. During our lunch break we talked a lot about how hard it is to give ourself that time to achieve big dreams. We live in such an instant world, so we expect our self to be able to keep up with the instant expectations we give ourselves.
It's a lie to believe that confidence is thinking you have it all together because if I learned one thing in college, is no one does. Confidence is believing with enough hard work and patience you will achieve the goals you set out for yourself.
Today in our workshop we learned about self reflection, this is who I am now, this is who I want to be future and these are the steps I am going to take to get there. In an effort to become a confidence entrepreneur, I have to take a step back look at what I have done and where I want to go. You have to aline your arrow to the goals you want to achieve. Like C. S. Lewis said in order to be able to reach these goals of who want to be we have to believe that we can do it. We need confidence.