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Day Thirty: Tomorrowland

"The future is unwritten, ether have a active role in the future or the future will just happen to you"- Joe strummer

The topic of the day was tomorrow. How do we as entrepreneurs not only prepare ourselves for the future but have an active part in writing the the future. Pascal Finette with Singularity University taught us about exponential technologies, which gave our class a good idea of how we can look at the world's largest issues and address them with innovative technology we have already today.

We visited the three areas in which he can see potential exponential disruption:

1. Energy

2. DNA

3. AI

We learned about how Singularity University is teaching it's students and companies to invest in changing the future world through these different platforms. The biggest take away for me was how unaware the rest of the world is on the technology coming out places like Silicon Valley. I called a friend from back home, made some joke about blockchain and she had no idea what I was talking about. There seems to be a disconnect between the worlds. There is such amazing technology being developed but most of the world has no idea.

Sometimes when listening to the different speakers at Draper University I feel like I have done some link of time travel and I am learning from the people of the future.



P.S. Check out more from Pascal Finette from his website and Singularity University

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