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Day Thirty- Three: One Month Down!

“If you truly want to escape the ordinary, you’ll simply need to keep evolving." — Ryohgo Narita

It truly is amazing to see how fast this program is going and its hard to believe that a month has already gone by. However, its clear that my way of viewing the world has changed and the way I want to interact with it has as well. We have had the honor of hearing and speaking with so many amazing entrepreneurs. These speakers have opened our eyes to so many new technologies and ideas that have shocked our views as students.

After one month, I am even more energized about this path that I am on. It is so encouraging to see all the people who have gone before us and how they were able to escape the ordinary. This program has been anything but the ordinary, it becomes awkward and uncomfortable at points but that has allowed us as students to evolve into amazing entrepreneurs.

Looking forward, I am excited to find a co-founder and technical team. I also looking forward to continuing to grow my relationship with my class mates and people in the community. I am so grateful for the support from friends and family that has allowed me to come here and start this journey.



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