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Day Three-Seven: Impossible To Fail

"Believe and act as if it it were impossible to fail"- Charles Kettering

Today was assessment day, five students were challenged and picked at random to go on stage in front of the class and present their pitch. After the students were heavily questioned and had lots of constructive feedback. As soon as we heard the assignment, we all prayed to the startup gods that our name wouldn't be chosen. This is the wrong mindset because even though this assignment seemed scary it was extremely helpful for the few student how were picked.

How do we change our mindset to believe that we will be able to overcome the hurtles and do amazing things. It hard in an environment like Draper to not compare yourself to amazingly successful people that we are surrounded by and question if we have what it takes to be just as successful. This week instead of looking at the competitors of my startup and questioning if Trader Jack has what it takes to beat them, I am going to focus on what I have control of.

Adopting the mindset of not being able fail, I am going to set my own fire and go for it!


Courteney Real

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