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Day Forty-One: <Coffee & Coding >

"Never be afraid to try something new, because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know" -Unknown

Today, I was pleasantly surprised that for once my computer actually downloaded the software I needed and that I somewhat enjoy learning to code. This morning we spent about two hours learning the very basics of HTML coding. It didn't take long for me to get a hold of it and start to have fun playing with different lines of code. The fun thing about code is that you can instantly see what you are learning because as soon as we learn a simple line of code, we could add it to our webpage and ta-da it would appear (most of the time)!

Later on this afternoon we will be learning CSS coding and continue to develop our first webpage coded all by ourselves!

Now by no means am I ready to jump in a career learning how to professionally code but I am enjoying shaking up the ordinary. Speaking of ordinary, today is no normal day because it's National Coffee Day! Now anyone who knows me that I am an avid coffee drinker so this is my kind of holiday and I celebrated with a large ice coffee of course.

Nothing goes better together then coffee and coding!



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