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Day Forty- Four: Hustle with a Side of Caffeine

Mondays should always be full of lots and lots of coffee. Today’s theme was hustle and like most days at Draper we got to hear from some of the best hustlers in the business. Jack Smith founder Vungle came to share his story about how he hacked LinkedIn to get the last spot at AngelPad accelerator. It was inspiring to hear the story of a post college grad went from sitting in a cubical in London one week to literally moving to United State the next week to start the launch of his company.

After Jack’s story, we got to hear from Aaron Hubbard founder of Algorithm Coffee and hear about his story as a high school dropout to the founder of a coffee company in Berkeley, California raising its first round of million dollars of investment.

These two speakers are hustler, which before I got to Draper I would have never thought it was a complement to call someone a hustler because of the continuation. However, I have learned the true meaning of a hustler, it’s not someone who is willing to walk over others to be first inline but the person who is willing do what no else is willing to do to make it work.

I hope that when people look at the work I have done over my life, they can say “wow, she was a hustler” because that is one of the biggest complements I now believe someone could give you.



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