Day Sixty- One: Is It Five O'clock Yet?
"Take it all in... it's as big as it seems. Count all your blessings. Remember your dreams." - Jimmy Buffett
Today, we spent most of the day working on our pitch decks and presentations. Trader Jack has become more and more defined business model through this process and its is really great to see the progress that my company has made from the first day. We also got the chance today to watch our friends over at Boost VC do there demo day. Over the last couple of weeks we have the opportunity to meet many of the people and companies going through the accelerator, so it is exciting for us to watch them show off there work.
It also makes the fact that our demo day is exactly one week away, which is both terrifying and exciting . Like Jimmy said just focus on taking it all in and enjoying it for what it is.
Speaking of Jimmy, I am super excited to reward myself with my very first Jimmy Buffett concert tonight in San Francisco. I am huge Parrot head and I am beyond excited to see him live in concert. Another thing to check off the bucket list!
Fins up!