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"If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for like 8 years, you can believe in yourself for like 5 minutes"

At one point you wholeheartedly believe that one man could fly around the earth in one to deliver presents to all the girls and boys. You never questioned whether it was possible or not. You just believed in the magic!

What if we gave ourselves that same grace when we look at what we want to accomplish? Looking forward to big goals it easy to come up with a list of reasons why its impossible. Today we are approaching the end of the program and looking for those last bits of motivation to reach the end. We are also looking back on the projects we have completed of the semester and cracking some good jokes at our first pitch deck.

It is amazing to see how much can be accomplished in one semester. Looking at the first pitch deck I created for Trader Jack its seems almost impossible that progress it has made to be were it is at today. With looking at all that has happened over the semester, its also important to realize that this is just the beginning of a long, exciting and challenging journey. Time to ramp up that elf like excitement and get ready for all that is about to come!

Off to go complete my CAD final and then finish my pitch deck for our first run through tomorrow.



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