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Day 109: Fly or Fall, its up to you!

"Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you"

Today is the day the baby birds get pushed out the nest, because we have no more plan portion of the program we are completely on our own. It's up to us now to either have our companies soar or fall on their faces. The thing about entrepreneurship is no one can hold your hand or tell you exactly what the next steps are, you have to find whats right for you and your company.

As an entrepreneurs you have to find an internal tap for motivation and have a level of self initiative. Can you wake up and push yourself to finish what needs to be done? One thing that really stood out to me from yesterday ASU alumni panel was one of the speakers who said " As an entrepreneur, you will never finish a day, you just have to decide when to call it a day". There always will be a long list of things you can do for your business but are you the kind of person who takes them head on or the person who pushes them off until the next day?

Today is the first day we really get to see if this is something we did because we did because we wanted a good grade or something we want to pursue after the we leave Draper University for winter break. I have nine more days in the bay area to hustle and learn as much as I can before I head back to Colorado!

So, it looks like it's time to get back to work on Trader Jack!



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