Day 113: The revival of the bookstore.....
"It's not an experiment if you know i's going to work" - Jeff Bezos
Today I made San Jose my office and enjoyed another wonderful day in the California Sunshine. I was able to visit Santana Row a beautiful outdoor shopping mall but there was something I found to be so interesting about the mall. It had an Amazon brick & mortar bookstore. There it was, there very type of store that the company had originally set out to destroy but here they were re-creating it. There was nothing special about the bookstore, no crazy innovations and I was shocked!
I think it is amazing the very thing that Amazon wanted to replace for ease and convenience for its customers, it ended up recreating because there is something about a physical bookstore that can't be replaced. So I know its shocking but Silicon Valley still has old fashion bookstores. Seeing the book store made me wonder about how many of the innovations in the world are trying to replace things that are really not replaceable like the feeling of getting a real book from a brick & mortar bookstore.
If you are interested in reading more about the mystery of the revival of the brick and mortar bookstore check out this article.